Stony Point HS Band: Summer Check-in #2

Tiger Band and Sapphire Guard Family,

Happy first day of summer! We're almost a month out from the start of summer band - how exciting!

A few things to cover:

  1. I hope you've seen the reveal video for our Fall 2022 production, Primary. If not, check us out on social media (TikTokInstagramTwitterFacebook). Music should be coming out shortly! (Like, within 24 hours!)

  2. Speaking of music, we will have all of our fundamentals and the show music we currently have arranged on a password-protected page on our band website, This will also include part assignments per instrument, so you know which part to start working on!

  3. Finally (and I know I'm a broken record at this point), we need physicals for ALL students participating in marching band prior to July 25, the first day of summer band. Once you have your forms filled out, please scan them and email them to me. (Form here.)

As we draw closer to summer band starting, there are also some required materials everyone must have:

  1. black binder with sheet protectors

  2. flip folder for stand tunes

  3. pencil pouch with sharpened pencils

  4. A lyre for your marching instrument (brasswoodwind)

  5. Athletic shoes for marching (a recommended list is here). Do you need to buy new shoes if you already have athletic shoes? Absolutely not! BUT, understand that Vans, Converse, sandals, etc., are not appropriate marching footwear and usually end up with injuries to the student. Please plan on having appropriate footwear!

  6. Solid black, school-appropriate shorts for your summer uniform. This is what you will wear with your band logo shirt before we are in full marching band uniform. (Minimal logos, please!)

  7. Compression shorts to be worn under your marching band uniform.  

Mandatory for single reeds (clarinet and saxophone):

Expect an email soon with part assignments and show music! We have just about a month to learn as much as we can before summer band - remember, the work you put in NOW will pay off LATER!

Joshua Muñoz

Director of Bands

Stony Point High School



Stony Point HS Band: Summer Check-in #3


Stony Point HS Band: Summer Check-in #1