Stony Point HS Band: Summer Check-in #1

Tiger Band and Sapphire Guard Family,

Happy Saturday and happy summer! I hope everyone is staying as cool as they can while this blistering heat wave continues to move through Central Texas. Remember to stay hydrated!

A few important points for our first summer check-in:

  1. Everyone must register using the band registration form located at There are still a few folks who we're waiting on - if we haven't received your registration, we can't count you in our section numbers for the drill writer. Later registrations will translate into more students in the JV drill, since once our drill writer has section numbers, he cannot add more.

  2. We need physicals for ALL students participating in marching band prior to July 25, the first day of summer band. Once you have your forms filled out, please scan them and email them to me. (Form here.)

  3. Expect a show announcement next week and music shortly after that. We will host the music password-protected on the band website ( along with a list of part assignments (who is playing 1st or 2nd part). We should have about five weeks to study/practice music before summer band starts - remember, the more preparation you put in this summer, the stronger our group will be on Day 1.

  4. In the same vein as music preparation, physical preparation will be hugely important to how quickly we can move once the summer season has started. Try to spend a few minutes a day outside (we won't ever be outside past 11 AM) and get in the habit of drinking a LOT of water (we'll have water breaks every 10-15 minutes, depending on the heat). A recurring theme we'll be visiting is how much we're willing to do now so we can be successful later.

  5. Brass and woodwind musicians, make sure you have joined our MuseClass (AndroidiOS) and join our 'Marching Band' class (class code: 7P2M1Z). This is where we'll host audio tracks of the marching show music once that is released.

Finally, join our respective BAND groups:

We're looking forward to seeing everyone in July! Do the work now so we can feel the success later!

Joshua Muñoz

Director of Bands

Stony Point High School



Stony Point HS Band: Summer Check-in #2


Weekly Announcements - Week of 5/16/2022