About the Boosters

Stony Point Area Band Boosters (SPABB) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports the Stony Point HS Band and Color Guard. The Boosters provide financial support for most of the Tiger Band and Guard’s basic operating expenses. We buy instruments, pay for the music and marching shows, pay for contest entry fees and transportation, and cover the entire cost of the Color Guard, including a portion of the Director's salary.

The Round Rock ISD does NOT provide funding for these things - and our Band Booster group is constantly involved in fund-raising efforts to cover these expenses. We also support band programs at Hernandez Middle School, Hopewell Middle School, and Walsh Middle School with contributions and in-kind support.

Every parent is a member of the Band Boosters, and we need everyone's support and participation. We communicate to band/guard families through BAND, Booster meetings and our band website, www.sphsband.org. Please visit the Calendar page to check for important dates and be sure your student has joined the Tiger Band & Sapphire Guard 2024-2025 Student BAND group, and you as a parent have joined the Tiger Band & Sapphire Guard 2024-2025 Parent BAND group, as we will be using these BAND groups to send communications.

If you need assistance with joining these BAND groups, please send an e-mail to sysadmin@sphsband.org.

Band/Guard Booster Executive Leadership meetings will be held on the second Monday evening of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Stony Point High School Band Hall. Fall meetings are crucial to organize fundraising activities and keep abreast of marching season needs; spring meetings include competitions, election of new officers and planning for next year. We urge all band/guard parents to attend and welcome your input!

Mailing Address:

Stony Point Area Band Boosters

PO Box 5294

Round Rock, TX 78683-5294

Payments by Check to the Band Boosters

Checks should be made payable to Stony Point Area Band Boosters, and according to RRISD guidelines, should include your driver’s license number and home phone number. There will be a $25 fee assessed for any returned items.

If a check is returned by your bank, please contact the Treasurers, (treasurer@sphsband.org and co-treasurer@sphsband.org), to make arrangements to repay the check and pay the $25 returned item fee. If returned items remain outstanding, any future payments (for band trips or other items) will be applied first to the outstanding item, and you may be required to make future payments in cash, money order, or cashier’s check.

Booster Officers

The President shall preside over all meetings of the General Membership and meetings of the Executive Board; appoint committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees; be authorized to enter into any Executive Board-approved contract or execute and deliver any Executive Board-approved instrument in the name of and on behalf of SPABB; and other duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by SPABB. (Year-round.)

The 1st Vice President for Fundraising shall ensure that all fundraising activities of SPABB are planned, managed, coordinated and accomplished using the highest level of transparency and in accordance with any federal or state laws, federal or state regulations or RRISD policies concerning fundraising. (Year-round.)

The 2nd Vice President for Volunteers shall ensure that all events and activities of SPABB are adequately staffed and attended by involving as many of the SPABB members as is possible. (Year-round.)

The Treasurers shall have custody of all the funds of SPABB; maintain the books of accounts and records; make and/or confirm deposits and disbursements; present a financial report at meetings of the Executive Board and meetings of the General Membership; submit the Income/Expense reports to the Director of Financial Services in accordance with RRISD requirements; establish an annual budget of anticipated revenue and expenditures and maintain oversight to ensure budget compliance; complete and file all necessary tax documents. (Year-round.)

The Secretary shall communicate meeting notices; keep an accurate record of meetings of the General Membership and meetings of the Executive Board and submit for publication; submit minutes to banks as required to authorize signatures on bank accounts; submit the change of registered agent of the corporation; regularly access the SPABB Post Office Box; be responsible for identifying and maintaining records; and perform other duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by SPABB. (Year-round.)

The Concessionaire organize and coordinate all activities of the Concession Committee, expend funds and incur debt on behalf of SPABB for inventory and supplies used in the concession stand, be a member of the Band Concessions Operating Board (BCOB), anda ssist the President in all activities of the organization. (Year-round.)

The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President, attend all meetings of the organization, advise on matters of parliamentary procedure when requested, and know and have the current bylaws. (Year-round.)