Weekly Announcements - Week of 4/4/2022

Tiger Band Family,

My apologies for not getting this out last week. Pre-UIL threw me for a loop and it slipped through the cracks.

What an INCREDIBLE week the program has had!

From our Pre-UIL Concert on Tuesday, to our final winterguard performance and indoor percussion sendoff show on Friday, to our indoor percussion getting 5th place (!) in their class yesterday at TCGC State, the kids have been working SO hard and performing at an amazingly high level. We have much to be thankful for and proud of in the Stony Point Band & Guard. Again, congrats percussion!

We finally have our final UIL performance times - these are listed both in the announcements PDF and on the band calendar. Please make sure you are consulting the band calendar regularly (and consider syncing it to your device). It is the first place we put any events (even before they are communicated via email).

Continue to sign up on the carpool interest form so we can lighten the load on everyone and also try and ensure all students are at all required rehearsals. This is a team effort, so when someone misses, they not only miss instruction for themselves, but also how their part fits with the rest of the team.

As always, thank you for your support! We're just shy of three weeks out from UIL!

Joshua Muñoz

Director of Bands

Stony Point High School



Weekly Announcements - Week of 4-4 (click me!)


UIL Itineraries - Spring 2022


Pre-UIL Itineraries - March 29, 2022