Weekly Announcements - Week of 4/18/2022

Tiger Band Family,

Welcome to UIL Week! PLEASE make sure you are aware of your morning rehearsal with your teammates. We have our final two morning rehearsals tomorrow (2nd/6th) and Tuesday (3rd/7th) morning in final preparation of our judged performances.

Parents, we would LOVE to see you at our UIL performances if you are able. The students have been working incredibly hard and love the opportunity to show their hard work to a filled auditorium.

Many important things are coming up post-UIL: band placement auditions, leadership team announcements, Band Banquet, and Everything Day (yes, in May!). Please see the attached announcements sheet for all of that information.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.

Happy Sunday!


Joshua Muñoz

Director of Bands

Stony Point High School



Weekly Announcements - Week of 4-18 (click me!)


Congratulations, 2022-2023 Leadership Team!


Weekly Announcements - Week of 4/11/2022